Spotted - The Wharf Restaurant, Sydney

It's that time of the month again! I love these short interviews I conduct with people because in a matter of a few seconds, you learn new facts about random people, and end up sharing a bond with them because of it.

CK just finished his school year in Sydney, and celebrated his school holidays with a bunch of friends. While doing so, he was able to interview one of his school mates for this month's spotted post...thanks, CK!

Situated right above the Sydney Theatre and Dance Company, this month's spotted is at The Wharf Restaurant in Sydney.

Where are you from: Sydney, Australia

Your signature dish: Mashed Potatoes

Weirdest thing ever eaten: An entire raw onion, I was drunk at the time.

Favorite ice cream flavour: Old english toffee

Your last meal would be: Muesli and fruit salad