Coffea, Windsor

Our dessert for the evening were some pastries that we purchased from a quaint little patisserie on Thames street, called Coffea. We stumbled upon Coffea right after our tea and sandwiches at Tower Brasserie and Tea Room.

We were aimlessly strolling down Thames street, when suddenly, the smell of fresh pastries hit my nose. I looked over to where the smell was coming from, and I instantly saw an inviting window display of cakes, pastries, and sandwiches. The entrance to the shop was extremely small, but there seemed to be a large restaurant seating area in the back. I didn't venture in there, but Mos checked it out quickly, and said that the place was packed. We weren't really ready for dessert at that point, so we decided to pick up some sweets for later.

I picked out a raspberry tart for myself. When I finally got around to eating it, I literally inhaled it because it was so good. We didn't end up eating our dessert until after our dinner at Royal Oak, so it was a little soggy from sitting in its paper take away bag for a few hours. It still tasted really fresh regardless.

I couldn't believe it but Mos picked out an old fashioned donut with sugar icing. I was a little perplexed as to why he chose that of all things, but he loved it.

21 Thames Street
Windsor, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Telephone: 01753 622991


Do not be fooled by the large selection of food pictured above - i am extremely bitter after falling into this trap... the food is INCREDIBLY expensive, it cost me almost £7 for a regular ham Panini, and almost £4 for a scone - the quality was not great and the salad they put with it was un-touched by me and my girlfriend, the coleslaw was probably the worst i have ever tasted in my puff. We desperately wanted a cute little cafe and where immediately drawn by the window selection but without checking the prices and blind ordering i was left extremely upset with what i had to fork out. Will never return. AVOID unless your feeling rich. The bitterness is that the money i spent could of got us a fantastic lunch further up the road.

We visited today. The staff appear chronically depressed and the strawberry tart we bought (like the one you photographed) was a fiver. Nice but definitely not worth a fiver. No prices on display, either, leaving customers feeling small when they're forced to ask prices for each item. A simple smile from the staff might have helped. A horrid place.

The reviewer visited a different cafe, or have you been paid, I can only describe this place as a disaster posing as a cafe. avoid at all cost

Can't agree more with comments above. The staff were indeed miserable. We bought three cakes to take away as treat. Nothing is priced but we bought them assuming at most a few pounds each; so when the girl said £12.40 with no hint of irony I knew we had been shafted. But of course you can't say anything or you look cheap - and they know it - avoid at all costs.

The deserts look great from the outside but a chocolate brownie, a gingerbread man, a fruit tart and a lemon merangue tart cost me £15.90!!!

The brownie tasted OK but the fruit tart and gingerbread man were not eaten by my wife and son respectively as they didn't like them.

"It is definitely expensive but the food and atmosphere are well worth.."

Afraid ive got to add more fuel to the fire. We visited this place after walking past and seeing the attractive window display, we opted to choose a meal with maybe a pastry to take away after, we chose a rump steak meal and omlette meal with cofee and a coke. The girl who took the order had the air of a mourner at a funeral! The omlette turned up after 10 mins and we were told we would have to wait for the steak because we wanted it well done, another 10 mins later the steak arrived but alas both meals had a strange taste and weren't too appealing. Still no drinks had arrived and we had to remind them only to be served wrongly with 2 cokes , we eventually got our coffee after 15 mins. Even despite this we decided to put it down as a bad lot but to try some of the mini petit fours from the deli counter to take away. Big mistake , as previously said there were no prices at all on the cakes and we assumed as they were mini cakes they might be a pound each or so, alas we were wrong £6.95 for 4 mini cakes. This place is a total rip off probably designed to trap tourists but what the hell, if they can snare a few natives too all the better. We had last laugh though because as we were leaving a party of brits were just about to enter and after we gave them the good news they beat a hasty retreat.

2 cheese and salami paninis - £9.00- containing 1 slice of cheese, 3 wafer thin slices of salami and 3 (even thinner) slices of tomato (I think that was the salad).

No prices in the window - beware.

Poor value and quality.

I pity the tourists being exploited - what must they think of this country?

I sadly have to agree with all the comments I've seen so far! In all my time visiting Windsor I had never visited this small "quaint" cafe however after spending nearly £50! For 7 coffees, 1 ice cream, 4 cakes, and one pastry ( which were just OKAY nithing special) followed by the disgusting, unenthusiastic polish staff trying to pull of Italian cuisine with the worst customer service i have ever seen, I will most certainly never ever visit this horrible cafe again!! This s the worst cafe I have ever been too! And i advise everyoneWTO avoid this place like the plague!....

Visited Windsor yesterday. We are a more mature couple!! Beautiful Place, but this coffee shop is a rip off. £2.90 for a takeaway portion of chips. These were absolutely disgusting and inedible. Thrown away in bin outside.
The shop display from the outside is very tempting but my advice is keep on walking . There are some lovely places in Eton. Worth a 10 min walk.

I went there yesterday for a cup of coffee and I also ordered a panini which came with some salad coleslaw and potato salad. I told the waiter I didn't ask for salad, but he insisted it came with. The panini was average but the salad was disgusting, gross! This cost me £8.50! I couldn't believe it. Total daylight robbery, Complete rip off! To top it off this gave me an upset stomach. I wished I had gone to Preys as I know I could have got some delicious for half the price. They should be closed down!!

We too have been caught out by this place! No prices shown & when the bill comes its over the top. We paid 12 pounds for 2 cupcakes, 1 coffee and a kids babychino. They had the audacity to charge cupcake as a more expensive cake! Surly staff & cash only complete the picture. I pity all unsuspecting tourists.