Nocochi Cafe Patisserie, Montreal

Persian Pastries

I was recently in Montreal for a training course, and I was very excited because I hadn't visited Montreal in what felt like, forever! Montreal has a special place in my heart. This is where CK used to live, and was also where I spent all my weekends for a few years. My short trip to Montreal was a blast from the past! I loved walking through the busy streets of downtown Montreal, and it was a nice change from the Ottawa suburbia culture.

Being back in Montreal also reminded me of when my relationship used to be easy. We had no worries back then, and our focus was to have fun ALL THE TIME. No huge bills to pay, no long tiresome hours at work, and no extreme long distance marriage to balance!

The little free time I got in Montreal, I used wisely and visited my old favorite places. One of these is Nocochi Cafe Patisserie, a stylish café specializing in Persian pastries.

Nocochi, Montreal
Window Display at Nocochi

Visiting this place was a joy for both the eyes and stomach. They have a large selection of beautiful mini pastries ranging from delicate Persian nut pastries to French macarons to fruit jellies. If you want something more substantial, they also offer coffees, teas, sandwiches, pizzas, and salads.
I took home a cute little box of pastries for CK (who is home for the holidays...yay!) and I, and below is a lil’ snapshot of what we had:

Persian Pastries
Persian Pastries from Nocochi

To get a feel of how mini these pastries really were, I compared them to a Canadian nickel.

Persian Pastry

My favorite were the little marzipan balls. I LOVE anything with almonds.

Persian Pastries
Marzipan Balls

I also picked up a personal pizza for myself, and ordered the Nocochi pizza: sun dried tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, ham, mozzarella, buffalo mozzarella, artichoke, olives, onions, roasted capsicum, and . The pizza didn't look like much but the ingredients were fresh. It also wasn't very greasy, which I liked.

Nocochi Pizza
Nocochi Pizza

Nocochi is owned by Vivel, its parent company. The majority of the Vivel shops are in the Middle East, but they are looking to expand in both Canada and the Middle East.

Nocochi Cafe Patisserie
2156 Mackay Street
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Telephone: 514-989-7514

Nocochi on Urbanspoon


At first I saw Nooschi Café..The mind plays tricks on you sometimes..:) I would not have been surprised! Although I would have thought Ottawa:)

They are so cute.. bite sized.. Adorable..

Ah yes.. larger life.. bigger responsibilities.. I remember being grateful at some point that all my growing up was done..a certain aspect of it..:) Because there are rides that are less fun than others:)Even school..I worried about every exam.. oh lala..

You are so busy:)Thanks for sharing ..I would have never known about this cute pastry/café shop..

What an adorable selection of cookies! It would be lovely to receive a boxful of cookies all that size but of course, a bit of a pain to bake!

I totally enjoyed reading this post. Really. The photos are just adorable, especially the first. That one just blew me away. Like Monique, I also saw Nooschi Cafe :) I thought, wow, the girl opened her own cafe! LOL. But I do understand your position ... as we go on in life, we have to keep finding new equilibriums as responsibilities/challenges add on. (((Hugs)))

La Table De Nana,
I can see how you can mix up Nooschi with I worry too much, so sometimes, it would be nice to be younger with no worries sometimes...ONLY sometimes ;-)

You're right, it would be a pain to bake!

Ju (The Little Teochew),
Thanks for your comment! You are so sweet.

Do you run persian baking classes, I am interested in learning how to bake persian sweets and pastries.

those are mindblowing, I had no idea about this place! thank you so much for the detailed pictures and adorable writeup, I;m making a beeline for Nocochi, and soon!