Boxed Water is Better. An Environmentally Friendly Alternative.

When you stop and think about the bad effects bottled water has on our health and environment, it is a little scary. Most bottled water is no better than the tap water from your home, and in some cases, it is worse than tap water because of the high contaminant levels that can be found. The majority of bottles from botttled water become litter, which can take up to1000 years to bio-degrade.

Boxed Water is Better, a Michigan based company, helps battle the negative issues caused by bottle water. It is an environmentally friendly option that is also philanthropic and stylish.

Some quick facts about Boxed Water is Better:

  • The water is carbon-filtered, purified drinking water from the municipal source at each of their fillers.
  • Approximately 76% Boxed Water material made of a renewable resource, trees.
  • The trees used to make Box Water come from certified, well managed forests.
  • 10% of their profit is donated to world water relief foundations.
  • Another 10% of their profit is donated to reforestation foundations.
When you're drinking Boxed Water is Better, it not only helps to replant trees but also helps those who are less privileged.